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Happy Holidays Pop-Up Market Arrives At Dallas’s Sleepy Cottage

Happy Holidays Pop-Up Market Arrives At Dallas’s Sleepy Cottage

Dec 04, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you need to get some Christmas shopping done this month and are looking for a one-stop shop that houses many unique and one-of-a-kind gifts, then you won’t want to miss the Happy Holidays Pop-Up Market, coming to Sleepy Cottage in Dallas from Saturday, December 9th until Saturday December 23rd. Be the envy of your friends and family this year by purchasing them innovative handcrafted gifts made to local artisans, and get your shopping done in one day.

A Unique Gift Experience

The Happy Holidays Pop-Up Market is a shopping market with vendors who are local artisans, and create their own unique holiday gifts that they then put up for sale so you can purchase them at the market. The front room of The Sleepy Cottage will be filled with many of them, offering all of their various unique creations, like baskets, ceramics, art, jewelry, decorations, and all sorts of items they’ve created.

By attending the event, you’ll be helping to support the local art community in Dallas. This event is being promoted by the 817 Arts Alliance, an organization that supports and promotes local artists by giving them a venue to sell their artwork at. The Happy Holidays Pop-Up market brings together artists in the local community and allows them to sell their unique gift ideas to the community. You won’t be disappointed by the amazing selection in gift ideas at this market, and you can feel great knowing you are supporting art in your community.


Admission to the event is free, but you must bring money if you plan to purchase items. The times of this event are as follows:

  • Monday - Wednesday: 11am - 5 pm
  • Thursday - Friday: 11 am - 8 pm
  • Saturday - Sunday: noon - 6 pm

For more information on the Happy Holidays Pop-Up Market, please visit the 817 Arts Alliance website, found here.

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